Key initiatives include:
Disability Rights Movement
The Disability Rights Movement is an international social movement to secure equal opportunities and equal rights for people with disabilities.
Future Directions - 2009 to 2014
Future Directions was the ACT Government’s five year policy framework from 2009 to 2014, focusing action across the ACT Government and business, sports, arts, and community sectors, to improve outcomes and opportunities for people with disability
National Disability Strategy 2010- 2020
The aims and outcomes identified in the National Disability Strategy have guided policy directions and priorities in disability initiatives, programs and legislation since 2011.
INVOLVE - 2015 to 2018
INVOLVE 2015-2018 picked up where Future Directions left off with a renewed focus to work towards better outcomes for people with disability in our community.
Inquiry into the National Disability Insurance Scheme in the ACT
The ACT Government considered and responded to the recommendations of an ACT Legislative Assembly Inquiry into the implementation, performance and governance of the NDIS in the ACT.
Let's Talk Disability workshops
Let's Talk Disability is a disability awareness workshop delivered by a diverse team of vibrant presenters, all of whom have lived experience of disability.
Web accessibility workshops
A workshop series on making website more accessible for people with disabilities was funded by the Office for Disability in June 2018.
Workforce Impact Collective (WIC)
The Workforce Impact Collective (WIC) and its six pilot projects aimed to build the capacity, quality and sustainability of the disability frontline workforce, in order to enable true choice and control for NDIS participants.
Interesting resources - from the ACT and elsewhere:
- Defiant Lives - documentary feature film on the disability rights movement in the United States, Britain and Australia
- Every Australian Counts Campaign - the grassroots campaign for the National Disability Insurance Scheme
- Biography of Sue Salthouse on The Australian Women's Register
- Interview with Robert Altamore on ABC Radio CANBERRA
- I'm not your inspiration, thank you very much - Stella Young TED Talk
- Photos from 2013 ACT Inclusion Awards and 2014 ACT Inclusion Awards
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Tue 30 Jun
Public hearing to investigate COVID-19 impact
Public hearing to investigate COVID-19 impact
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Wed 4 Dec
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Wed 21 Aug
Share your stories about restrictive practices
Share your stories about restrictive practices
An opportunity for people with disability who have experienced restraint in disabilty accommodation, schools or the children and youth protection system to share their experiences