INVOLVE 2015-2018 - Canberra Disability Commitment
Envisaging "an inclusive Canberra community that enables people with disability to participate and reach their full potential as equal and valued citizens", INVOLVE 2015-2018 built upon the progress made under the ACT Government Inclusion Plan, Future Directions.
Picking up where Future Directions left off, with a renewed focus to work towards better outcomes for people with disability, INVOLVE was launched on 17 June 2015 and provided a framework to promote and achieve positive social and economic outcomes for Canberran’s with disability through the collaborative action of government, business and community.
INVOLVE focused on community ambitions - bringing together people with and without disability, community organisations, industry and government acting together to achieve change which empowered people with disability. In 2015–16, the priorities were housing, employment and NDIS implementation. In 2016–17 the priorities were justice, health and accessible communities.
Each priority area was progressed through social campaigns co-designed by people with disability, government, business and community to address structural barriers facing people with disability and included practical ways in which individuals could take action.
INVOLVE was supported by a web-based platform,, which enable people to initiate and mobilise support for their own community-wide change activities through the community ambitions campaign. Non-digital approaches which raised awareness and generated action was also used in consultation with the community. The work of INVOLVE continued to be implemented until the end of 2018.
Key projects have included:
- continuation of the ACT Chief Minister Inclusion Awards
- ongoing development of flexible transport options
- continuation of the disability awareness initiatives, including Everyone Everyday
- supported decision making pilot
- Enhancing the Child Development Service to support children birth-6 years at risk of developmental delay, but not eligible for the NDIS, and
- transition of Government delivered disability and therapy services to the non-government sector
- ensuring the ACT Office for Disability serves the needs of the ACT community.
1. Canberra is a proud human rights jurisdiction that upholds the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities and places people with disabilities at the centre of decision-making about their lives
2. We celebrate disability and seek to remove the social barriers that prevent people with disability participating economically and socially as full and equal citizens
3. With the right supports and networks, everyone can participate in our community
4. We recognise that people with disability may face multiple disadvantages - including women with disability, children and young people who are potentially more vulnerable to risk of abuse or exploitation - and that services, supports and engagement must be tailored accordingly
5. We work in partnership to recognise and respond to the needs of people with disability who identify as Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander; culturally and linguistically diverse; and lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, intersex and queer.
6. Everyone benefits when the environments in which we work, live and play are welcoming and inclusive
7. People with disability make valuable contributions that strengthen and promote the economic, social and cultural life in our community as parents, employees, employers and leaders
8. Enabling people with disability to achieve their full potential will give Canberra a competitive edge and promote our status as the world's most liveable city
9. By creating and strengthening a diverse community, Canberra can lead the way in being a socially inclusive, equitable and accessible community that enriches the lives of people with disability
10. Everyone has a role in making a Canberra community where people with disability have equal rights and can achieve a better future