Get involved in making Canberra inclusive and accessible for all



Comprehensive information for all matters related to COVID-19 is available on the ACT Government COVID-19 website


The INVOLVED website puts you in touch with activities happening to create a more inclusive community for all people. 


On this website you can find out more about Inclusive and accessible communities; Rights protection, justice and legislation; Housing; Personal and community support; Learning and skills; Health and wellbeing; Employment and volunteering; and Transport


In the What's On section, read the latest News and learn about or submit events focused on disability inclusion, happening in the Canberra region. 


In the Our Foundations section, find out more about how the ACT Government Office for Disability and allies across government, business and community are supporting inclusion to happen.  


To subscribe to the Involved eNewsletter click here




The winners of the 2024 Chief Minister’s Inclusion Awards were announced on 22 November in the National Ballroom of Hotel Realm


You can see the list of finalists and find out about the winners on the 2024 Inclusion Awards webpage



Involved eNews

 Image of a woman smiling at another person


The Office for Disability publish Involved eNews every 2nd Friday each month offering updates and opportunities on issues impacting people with disabilities living and working in Canberra.  The newsletter provides important ACT and Australian Government updates as well as opportunities (including available grants) and events.  


Published Involved eNews Editions can be accessed at Involved eNews _ Published Editions


You can become an Involved subscriber by clicking Get the latest from Community Services Directorate ( 


If you or your organisation has some news, opportunities, vacancies or workshops you would like for the Office for Disability to include, we would love to hear from you.  You can send your submission through to 


If you wish for us to post information on our Involved CBR website, please email


Become a part of our community today and contribute to creating an inclusive environment in our vibrant city for everyone to enjoy!