Key initiatives include:
National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS)
The ACT has fully transitioned to the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) - a new way of funding individualised support for people with disability that involves more choice and control.
Integrated Service Response Program (ISRP)
The Integrated Service Response Program provides short-term coordination support for people who have high or complex needs and funding for people with disability to purchase emergency supports and services from non-government providers.
Child Development Service (CDS)
The Child Development Service offers assessment, referral, information and linkages for children 0-6 years where there are concerns relating to their development.
Community Assistance and Support Program (CASP)
The Community Assistance and Support Program (CASP) supports you and your carer with daily living activities you may find difficult due to a health issue that comes and goes or is short-term.
Rehabilitation, Aged and Community Services
Rehabilitation, Aged and Community Services provides integrated and effective services for rehabilitation, aged care and community care throughout the ACT, including healthcare and support for people with acute, post-acute and long-term illnesses.
Assistive technology, equipment and home modifications
Assistive technology, equipment and modifications can enable you to live independently and be involved in your community and work place.
My Aged Care
The My Aged Care Gateway has been established by the Australian Government to help you navigate the aged care system. There is a website and a national contact centre to provide you with information on aged care, whether for yourself, a family member, friend or someone you're caring for.
Companion Cards Program
The Companion Card Program enables people with disability who require life-long attendant care support from a companion to attend participating venues or activities without incurring the cost of a second ticket for their companion.
ACT Carers Strategy
This document sets out a strategy to inform the enhancement of existing processes and development of new processes to support people providing care (usually unpaid), including foster and kinship Carers.
Official Visitors Scheme (OVS)
The aim of the Official Visitor for Disability Services is to improve service quality and create better outcomes for people with disability and their families.
Senior Practitioner - Reducing Restrictive Practices
The Office of the Senior Practitioner regulates the use of restrictive practices in the provision of disability services, and ensures restrictive practices are only used when needed and in accordance with a registered Positive Behaviour Support Plan for the individual.
How do I make a complaint?
You have the right to raise an issue or make a complaint about the quality of disability supports provided, services you receive, or equipment or other products that you purchase.
ACT Discimination and Disability Services Commissioner
The Disability and Community Services Commissioner at the ACT Human Rights Commission considers complaints about the provision of services for people with disability and/or their carers, and disability discrimination.
eLearning on disability, domestic violence and sexual assault
The ACT Human Rights Commission, with input from key organisations, has developed eLearning packages for disability workers and domestic violence and sexual assault workers to build awareness and understanding of the complexities experienced by people with disability.
Inquiry into the National Disability Insurance Scheme in the ACT
The ACT Government considered and responded to the recommendations of an ACT Legislative Assembly Inquiry into the implementation, performance and governance of the NDIS in the ACT.
Chief Minister's Inclusion Awards (CMIAs)
The CMIAs provide acknowledgement of the outstanding achievements of businesses, organisations and individuals who have demonstrated excellence and innovation in inclusion and access.There are awards recognising excellence in the delivery of inclusive services and support work.
Workforce Impact Collective
The Workforce Impact Collective (WIC) and its six pilot projects
aimed to build the capacity, quality and sustainability of the disability frontline workforce, in order to enable true choice and control for NDIS participants.
Interesting resources - from the ACT and elsewhere:
- The ACT Community Directory (Volunteering and Contact ACT)
- Clickability (a directory of Australian disability services)
- List of businesses affiliated with the ACT Companion Card program
- NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission
For NDIS Participants
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Sat 30 Nov
Inclusion in Business video
Inclusion in Business video
Celebrating Inclusion in Canberra
Fri 29 Nov
Disability Providers, Carers and Support Workers v...
Disability Providers, Carers and Support Workers video
Celebrating Inclusion in Canberra
Fri 29 Nov
Inclusion in Health Services - video
Inclusion in Health Services - video
Highlighting Inclusion in Canberra
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Tue 3 Dec - Sat 8 Feb
Disability Inclusion Grants are open
The Disability Inclusion Grant program is open!
The grants present a great opportunity for organisations and businesses to address attitudinal, communication, and physical barriers to access and in...
The grants present a great opportunity for organisations and businesses to address attitudinal, communication, and physical barriers to access and in...
Tue 3 Dec - Mon 30 Jun
Disability Inclusive Emergency Management Toolkit
A Disability Inclusive Emergency Management (DIEM) Toolkit has been co-designed with people with disability, representatives across all levels of government, and the emergency, disability, and communi...
Thu 13 Feb
9:30am - 11:30am
Everything I learned about behaviour may have been...
This workshop will be presented by Mr Ed Cole from the US, a behaviour consultant (referring to himself as “the un-professional”) since 1986, providing support to families in their homes and to in...