Inquiry into the National Disability Insurance Scheme in the ACT
The Standing Committee on Health, Ageing and Community Services (Committee), tabled its report on the Inquiry into the implementation, performance and governance of the National Disability Insurance Scheme in the ACT (Inquiry), in the Legislative Assembly on 27 November 2018. This report examines the operation of the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) in order to ensure people with disability are supported and empowered.
The Committee considered:
- The relationship between the ACT Government and Australian Government in regard NDIS and National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA) as it affects the ACT; particularly gaps or duplicate roles and responsibilities;
- Practical outcomes of implementation in relation to disability workforce development strategies; the Human Services Registrar; the availability of services for eligible NDIS participants; the availability of early childhood intervention services; the implementation of local area coordination; and supports for people with psycho-social disabilities; and
- Whether there are unique factors relating to the provision of disability services affected by the implementation of the NDIS in the ACT.
The Submissions, Report and Government Response are available on the ACT Legislative Assembly website.
The ACT Government will continue to collaborate with the Commonwealth and play an active role in governance forums, including the Council of Australian Governments Disability Reform Council, in advocating and dedicating resources to address issues relevant to ACT NDIS participants that require attention and improvement. This is essential to ensure that the NDIS' promises become a reality for ACT participants.
Further information
Following community consultation, the Disability Reference Group contributed a submission containing 8 key recommendations. (See Submission 59)
ACT Legislative Assembly Media release (27 November 2018)