Integrated Service Response Program (ISRP)

WE MAKE INCLUSION HAPPEN by providing short term coordination for people with disability who have high or complex needs.


What is the Integrated Service Response Program?

The Integrated Service Response Program (ISRP) is provided through the Office for Disability in the Community Services Directorate. ISRP provides short-term coordination support for people who have high or complex support needs. ISRP also provides funding for people with disability to purchase emergency supports and services from non-government providers.

ISRP also provides case coordination and funding for board and lodgings for children under 16 who cannot live in the family home due to high disability support needs.

What does coordination mean?

ISRP works with the National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA) and service providers to resolve crises and highly complex situations for people with intensive support needs. It connects individuals with mainstream services, for example the health and education systems. ISRP ensures everyone is working together behind the scenes to support people who have intense support needs. ISRP works closely with the NDIA and has a direct line to key decision makers. ISRP provides short-term coordination and does not provide ongoing case management or support coordination. Longer term coordination may be provided to children under 16 who cannot live in the family home due to high disability support needs on a case by case basis.

How do people access the program?

Access to the program is by referral.

People who can make a referral include

  • Support Coordinator
  • Current disability provider
  • Health professional
  • Housing worker
  • Child Youth and Protection Services worker

Participants are not required to provide medical certification of a disability. However, applicants who are not NDIS participants may be requested to test their NDIS eligibility before financial support is provided.


Further information

For more information and to access the Referral Form, visit Integrated Service Response Program on the Community Services Directorate website. 

Contact: or call (02) 6207 1086