Shaw Building Group - Finalist for the 2019 Chief Minister's Inclusion Awards
Shaw Building Group is a finalist for the Inclusion in Business award at the 2019 ACT Chief Minister’s Inclusion Awards!
Shaw Building Group, a professional construction and project management company providing commercial and residential construction and construction-related services, and their supporters have been partnering with Carers ACT over the past 14 years to raise funds that directly support carers and their families in the ACT community.
The annual Shaw Bowls Day is an event that highlights caring families in the community and enables community members to show their support to families in ways that enable inclusion in everyday activities.
As of 2019, the Shaw Building Group has raised over $1 million, all of which has gone to Carers ACT to enhance the wellbeing of family carers, which enables them to continue in their caring role and continue to ensure inclusion of people with disability. Each year, Carers ACT presents to more than 150 participants of the Shaw Bowls Day, increasing inclusion through increased awareness.