Work Experience: Think outside the gate – for professionals

Work Experience: Think outside the gate – for professionals
Tue 29 Nov 2022, 9:30am - 2:30pm Online via Zoom Inclusive and accessible communities
Rights protection, justice and legislation
Learning and skills
Employment and volunteering
A workshop for professionals supporting students with disability to have positive work experiences
Are you a careers professional or a high school educator? Do you support secondary school students with disability to find:

work experience
their first paid job (including the typical casual jobs that students do in the afternoons and weekends)
their first post-school job or career?

If so, we think you’ll be interested in this new workshop.

What came before…
We recently hosted a workshop called Work Experience: Think Outside the Gate. It was a workshop for families of secondary school students with disability exploring work.

These families all had some things in common:

they didn’t believe that sheltered workplaces or day programs were the best post-school option for their child
they wanted their child to learn about the world of work while they were still at school
they wanted their child to explore community-based work experience opportunities
they believed that their child had something valuable to contribute to a workplace, regardless of the nature and degree of their child’s impairment
they knew that employment would be successful when those supporting the student understood the student’s interests, needs and potential contributions.
This family workshop is now available as a replay event. Please share this link with families that might be interested.

Work experience: Think outside the gate for professionals
This new workshop for professionals will complement what was shared with families. It will help teachers, support staff, and services

understand the best way to provide support to make high-quality work experiences possible
pave the way toward paid jobs while students are still at school
connect students with post-school employment and careers.
The workshop is based on the customised employment approach developed by Marc Gold and Associates, the international leaders in this field.

Customised employment is based on the belief that every person with disability can work in open employment.

You’ll also learn from the lived experience of families and young people whose stories are shared throughout this workshop.

This event is part of our School to Work Project. The project aims to

increase the confidence of, and
students with disability to seek out and find meaningful employment with the help and support of their families, schools and services.

We are thrilled to offer free registration for all professionals who wish to attend this workshop*.

Register To Attend This Workshop For Free

What you’ll learn in this workshop
The workshop includes the following sessions:

Session 1 – Imagine a Customised Career
Employment environment. An overview of employment experiences for people with intellectual disability
Career education. How career education at school can support students to experience positive work experience.
Vision. Imagine a good life through valued social roles and the importance of a vision statement.
Discovery. Identify the student’s interests, conditions and potential contributions to a workplace.
Session 2 – Find Customised Work Experience
Customised work experience. An overview of customised work placements and the different mindsets needed to create them
Planning for work experience. Understand the world of work possibilities and how to explore these
Workplace learning. Identify specific employers to contact to arrange a work placement.
Talking to employers. Learn how to ask for customised work experience placements or a workplace tour to spot potential tasks
Negotiating conditions. Decide what to disclose to an employer and when to disclose it.
Session 3 – Set Up Work Experience for Success
Access supports. Accessing NDIS-funded supports to find, set up, and support work experience placements.
Prepare placements. Analyse tasks and negotiate placement relationships and conditions for success
Teach tasks effectively. Use systematic instruction to enable the student to master tasks independently.
Record achievements. Learn how to capture learning for a visual resume and record the student’s feedback about tasks
Future opportunities. Ask employers for future work, referee reports, and career advice.

Workshop details
[New date] Tuesday, 29 November 2022
9:30 am – 2:30 pm
Online via zoom
Free registration

Important to know
This workshop is for professionals only (families can access the replay of our first workshop for free until 5:00 pm on Monday, 31 October 2022)
We encourage you to attend live if possible, as you’ll find the discussions with your peers will be extremely beneficial
If your live attendance isn’t possible, a link to a replay will be sent within 48 hours of the event
All attendees will have on-demand access to the replay Wednesday, November 30
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