Imagining Better (ACTCOSS Health Project)

WE MAKE INCLUSION HAPPEN by working with stakeholders to gather and amplify the experiences of people with disability accessing health care in Canberra.


In 2017 and 2018, ACT Council of Social Service (ACTCOSS) gathered stories from people with disability and carers willing to share their experiences as users or potential users of the preventative, primary and/or tertiary health care in Canberra.

The project was guided by the Health and Wellbeing policy directions of the National Disability Strategy 2010-2020 and was supported with funding from the Office for Disability in the ACT Government.

Imagining Better - Reflections on access, choice and control in ACT health services for people with disability

This ACTCOSS report explores findings of a project to improve access by people with disability to health care in the Australian Capital Territory (ACT). It uses a citizen voice approach based on lived experience, qualitative information and reflections by people with systemic advocacy expertise and includes extracts from the firsthand feedback ACTOSS heard throughout the project. 



Further information

PWDACT Canberra Disability Review: Volume 4

Watch video of the 2017 I-Day event on Facebook

ACTCOSS factsheet: Disability and Access to Health Services

Healthcare Consumers Association of the ACT

Access All Areas - Health - training for Health services and professionals, developed and delivered by Rebus Theatre

Health and Wellbeing is an outcome under the National Disability Strategy