Disability Action and Inclusion Plans (DAIPs)

A Disability Action and Inclusion Plan (DAIP) outlines how an organisation plans to proactively improve access and inclusion of people with disability. It details how an organisation is planning to make its facilities, products and services accessible to people with disability, and consolidates the organisation's commitment to diversity and inclusion.

DAIPs also provide a framework for the provision of reasonable adjustments and responding to the diverse needs of people with disability, assisting organisations to meet their obligations under the Disability Discrimination Act 1992.

Plans can be registered with the Australian Human Rights Commission under the Disability Discrimination Act 1992

DAIPs are also known as:

  • Disability Action Plans (DAP)
  • Accessibility Action Plans (AAP)
  • Disablity Inclusion Action Plans (DIAP) 


Develop a Disability Action and Inclusion Plan

GetAboutAble has developed a suite of free resources to support businesses to develop an effective Disability Action & Inclusion Plan (DAIP).

A DAIP assists businesses, groups and organisations to be more inclusive of people with disability and to address current barriers that reduce or prevent equal access and participation, both as visitors, customers, clients and staff members.

GetAboutAble also offer support to develop a DAIP:

For further information visit the GetAboutAble DAIP webpage or email: consultancy@getaboutable.com


Further information

The Australian Human Rights Commission keeps a register of action plans and guides to develop your own

The Australian Network on Disability has resources on accessibility action planning with links to best practice

The Australian Local Government Association has developed Disability Inclusion Planning: A Guide for Local Government