ACT Carers Strategy

The ACT Government is committed to recognising and supporting carers, and responding to the needs of carers, their rights, choices and opportunities to participate fully in all areas of life.

In 2017, the ACT Government partnered with Carers ACT to develop the ACT Carers Strategy 2018–2028 (the Strategy). The Strategy will serve as a framework to support and recognise the work of carers, acknowledging the difference they make in our community. The Strategy seeks to improve the visibility of carers in the community and broaden community appreciation of the essential contribution carers make through their caring role.

In 2017, the Carers Voice Deliberative Panel engaged 49 carers and other community members to establish a vision for a carer-friendly city, the outcomes we want to see for carers and our shared priorities. The deliberative democracy process enabled authentic collaboration between government and the carer community in the development of the Strategy, and ensured those in the community with lived experience shaped the focus of the Strategy. 

Strategy Objective 

This document sets out a Strategy to inform the enhancement of existing processes and development of new processes to support people providing care (usually unpaid).

Carers provide care for:

  • people who are aged or infirm;
  • people with disabilities;
  • people with health issues, including mental health;
  • people with drug and/or alcohol issues;
  • or people with other issues that cause a person to be unable to properly care for themselves.

This Strategy also includes foster and kinship Carers.


Further information

ACT Carers Strategy 2018-2028 - First Three Year Action Plan

ACT Carers Strategy Vision, Outcomes and Priorities Statement

Carers ACT (An organisation providing information, advocacy and peer support for carers in Canberra)

Carers Australia (National peak body, working collaboratively with partners and its network of state and territory Carers Associations)