Easy English workshops

WE MAKE INCLUSION HAPPEN by organising training opportunities for local justice organisations to make their information resources more accessible.


Recognising a need among local organisations to increase their expertise in developing accessible information resources, the Office for Disability has organised for Easy English training to be delivered by Scope to staff from local justice agencies and services. 

What is Easy English?

  • Simplified language and grammar
  • Minimal punctuation
  • Simplified font, layout and design
  • Images that illustrate headings and key messages

Who benefits?

People with: 

  • Low English literacy
  • Intellectual disability
  • Learning disability
  • Acquired disability, such as stroke, brain injury or degenerative condition
  • Poor educational outcomes
  • Reduced exposure to literacy in adult life
  • Ageing

Scope’s Communication and Inclusion Resource Centre (based in Victoria) are experts in translating complex content into accessible information (Easy English and Plain English). They also produce a comprehensive range of communication aids

Rachel Stephen-Smith holds an Easy English brochure about Canberra Community Law services


Further Information

Communication and Inclusion Resource Centre - Phone: 03 9843 2000; Email: circ@scopeaust.org.au

Scope video - Consumer Testing 

Disability Justice Stategy - Action 1.2 under the First Action Plan 2019-2022 is Accessible Information: All government agencies develop accessible information through a variety of formats to ensure people with disability are able to understand their rights, access information and better understand the justice system.