How do I make a complaint?

Complaining about Providers 

From 1 July 2019 the NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission commenced operating in the Australian Capital Territory.

The Complaints function at the NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission is about ensuring that people have the right to speak up about their NDIS Supports and Services when they are not happy with the quality or the safety of those services.

Visit their website to find out How to make a complaint about a provider

Telephone: 1800 035 544



If you are unhappy with the provider of your disability supports you can also contact the ACT Human Rights Commission to make a complaint. 

Telephone: 02 6205 2222


Karen Toohey is the Disability and Community Services Commissioner, handling complaints about:

  • services for people with a disability and carers, disability service providers, the NDIA, services for carers
  • services for older people in the ACT
  • services for children and young people including youth justice services, child protection services, schools, sport, health services for children


The ACT Government Human Services' Registrar in the Quality, Complaints and Regulation Branch of the Community Services Directorate has oversight of a number of service delivery sectors where risks were identified for the service user.  Most oversight responsibility of registered NDIS providers has now transferred to the NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission.


Restrictive Practices 

If you are concerned about a disability service provider's use of restrictive practices (restraint or seclusion), contact the ACT Office of the Senior Practitioner.  

Telephone: (02) 6205 2811


Complaining about the National Disability Insurance Agency

If you unhappy with actions of the National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA), you can provide feedback or make a complaint

If you are not satisfied, you can then contact the Commonwealth Ombudsman

Telephone: 1300 362 072


NDIS Planning Decision 

If you are unhappy with a decision of the NDIA, for some planning decisions you can request an internal review.   

You can appeal the outcome of this review to the Administrative Appeals Tribunal. There is advocacy and legal support available from local organisations to help people make NDIS appeals



If you are unhappy with a product or service you have purchased, the ACT Office of Fair Trading may be able to assist.

Contact Access Canberra

Telephone: 132281


Further information

The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission has collected and created resources for consumers with disability.

The Commonwealth Ombudsman provides information about making a complaint about Australian Government agencies or programs.

NDIS Quality and Safeguarding Commission:

'More independent advocacy for Canberrans navigating the NDIS' - Video and Media Release from the Minister for Disability 

For support and advice about making complaints, explore local options for Advocacy, Information and Peer Support