Disability Justice Strategy
WE MAKE INCLUSION HAPPEN by working with ACT justice agencies to enhance safety and increase access to justice for people with disability.
Over the next ten years the Disability Justice Strategy will guide an important shift in how the justice system interacts with people with disability. In order to be effective, the actions will need to be innovative, consultative and responsive to changing circumstances.
The First Action Plan 2019- 2023 sits under the Disability Justice Strategy and describes the first four years of work and the commitments made by stakeholders to ensure the ACT provides equal access to justice for people with disability.
The Annual Progress Report of the ACT Disability Justice Strategy provides information about the progress made against each actions under the First Action Plan in addition to a more detailed commentary on some of the key actions.
See the video of Yenn Purkis talking about the Annual Progress Report of the ACT Disability Justice Strategy:
Further Information
Disability Justice Strategy (including Easy English Version)
Towards Disability Justice in the ACT - Summary of Research and Consultations 2019 (See Chapter 6 for existing initiatives contributing to better access to justice)