ACT Housing Strategy

The ACT Housing Strategy (the strategy) provides a roadmap for housing in the ACT for the next decade.

In recognition of the unique and complex challenges that exist in the ACT housing market, the strategy puts in place policy interventions to meet the Territory's diverse and changing needs now and into the future; most importantly, it includes a sustainable supply of housing for households at all income levels.

The strategy is based around five goals that focus improvements in the housing market to those issues of most concern to the community. These goals are supported by objectives that underpin the implementation of the strategy. These objectives shape and guide policy, planning and delivery of appropriate housing for every ACT household.

The strategy is also supported by the ACT Government's Homes and Housing website, which will bring together all government policy, information, advice and support related to housing into one place.

Elizabeth from the Environment, Planning and Sustainable Development Directorate presented this summary of the ACT Housing Strategy, including plans for the Affordable Housing Innovation Fund, at the Having A Home Forum on Housing Options for People with Disability on 16 November 2018.

The second round of the Affordable Housing Innovation Fund in 2019 invited applications within one or more of five categories. 

Category 1 - Disability Accommodation Project - The ACT Goverment sought expressions of interest from the private or community sector to come forward with projects that boost the supply of accessible low-cost accommodation for either rent or purchase targeted at persons living with a disability.

Category 5 - Home Sharing - In this model homeowners with a spare room in their own property are matched with low income tenants seeking affordable rental accommodation, in exchange for providing assistance around the home.

This is one of the models explored on the Housing Options in Canberra page. A number of local homeowners with disability have found Homeshare to be very successful, when matched with a compatible tenant.


Further information

ACT Housing Strategy

Affordable Housing Innovation Fund

Homes and Housing website