
YourSay is the ACT Government’s online consultation hub where you can stay informed and influence government decisions:

At this website you can participate by joining online discussions, voting in quick polls and taking surveys - to share your ideas and have your say on Government projects and initiatives across Canberra.

For example the ACT Government's Disability Justice Strategy was developed with input provided through online surveys on YourSay and through other forms of community and stakeholder feedback. (See YourSay - Disability Justice Strategy)

Sign-up today to start contributing and to receive updates about other opportunities to join in the conversation.


Join the YourSay Community Panel

You can now help to shape Canberra by joining the YourSay Community Panel. You will be emailed opportunities to participate in surveys and other activities on a range of topics. Then you'll be able to see the results of the research and how your views were used. To thank you for your time, you'll go into monthly prize draws.

The YourSay Community Panel complements the existing YourSay website, which will continue to be the primary place online for community conversations about particular issues. It would be great to see Canberrans represented in all their diversity on the YourSay community panel, including people with disability, their family members, carers and supporters. 


Further information

YourSay - About

YourSay - Terms of Use

YourSay Community Panel - Frequently Asked Questions