ACT COVID-19 Disability Strategy

The ACT Government has developed a Strategy to guide its engagement with, and support to, people with disability, their families, carers and the disability sector in responding to the COVID-19 health emergency.

The Strategy addresses a broader range of issues than the health-related aspects of the COVID-19 experience, and is supported by an Action Plan that outlines the measures that are in place to respond to the current and emerging issues associated with the pandemic for people with disability, their families, their carers and the disability sector.

It outlines a number of principles, goals and objectives to support people with disability and the disability sector through this crisis, and during the post-emergency transition back to ‘business as usual’.

The Minister for Disability, Ms Suzanne Orr, launched the Strategy on Monday 18 May 2020, saying “The introduction of this Strategy will ensure that people with disability and the disability sector are provided with timely, sensitive, informed and appropriate support during this time of uncertainty.”

The ACT COVID-19 Disability Strategy and the Action Plan are available on the Community Services Directorate’s website.